Take a trip in the balloon is one of those things that you should absolutely do at least once in your life! If you’re afraid of being in the air or afraid of height and the air pocket, this is nothing to do with that. The sight from the air over the valley of Cappadocia is incredible and amazing. The only problem, before departure is that you must get up really early in the morning, at 4 o’clock, more or less. It depends on the location of your accommodation and the time you need to reach the departure point. Your ‘re picked up by the balloon company man and taken to the place where all the balloons depart. Once arrived, you have to wait with your group and hope to get a good wind. I did it twice, because the first day we were not able to depart because of the wind so we had to return the next morning. The trip on it is quiet and slow, with almost imperceptible movements of up and down in the air and there is absolutely nothing, to be afraid of. Believe me, after you have done it, you will be happy because it is wonderful and unique experience.

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5 commenti Aggiungi il tuo

  1. danielagambarin ha detto:

    sempre emozionanti i viaggi e le foto da te proposti…
    buon mercoledi

    "Mi piace"

    1. mirakriz ha detto:

      Grazie Daniela, per me ogni viaggio è il sinonimo dell’avventura! buona giornata anche a te 🙂

      Piace a 1 persona

  2. sniproad ha detto:

    CAPPADOCIA in mongolfiera…….Semplicemente stupenda

    "Mi piace"

  3. Love it! Un’esperienza da fare sicuramente e già inserita nel programma dei mie prox viaggi..thanks for sharing your pics…really beautiful!

    "Mi piace"

    1. mirakriz ha detto:

      Grazie. Mi fa piacere che ti piace. Cappadocia è stupenda e vista in mongolfiera ancira di più!

      Piace a 1 persona

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